Certification and Accreditation
To supply products and services in the field of industrial automation, measurement, calibration and process control. The company is always searching for a level of excellence that can meet customer’s satisfaction and requirement of our customers. We also respect legal procedures, carrying out metrological services with equipment, technology and skilled professionals, ensuring its implementation in all organization levels. We are committed to keep our activities in accordance with the requirements of ABNT NBR ISO 9001 and ABNT NBR ISSO/IEC 17025 rules, in their current versions of accredited, certification and , always aiming for the ongoing improvement of all activities.

ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Laboratory located in the city of Rio de Janeiro accredited by the CGCRE (Coordenação Geral de Acreditação do INMETRO) in ABNT NBR ISSO/IEC 17025:2005 to carry out tests and calibration of dimensional greatness, flow, pressure, temperature and specific weight.
Hirsa is accredited to perform calibrations at customer facilities and mobile facilities.
Hirsa is member of Brazilian Calibration Network.

DNV – ISO 9001:2015
Hirsa had its Quality System audited by DNV and as a result, the company received the certification based in the ISO 9001:2015.
The goal of the certification is related to the commercialization of installation, assembling, commissioning, maintenance, start, training and consulting of products and services in:
- Flow measuring devices for liquid and gas.
- BSW analyzers.
- Liquid and gas flow computers.
- Electric, electro hydraulic and pneumatic actuators.
- Instrument for flow, pressure, temperature, flux and level.
- Manual and automatized sampling systems.
- Calibration services of liquid flow measuring devices.
Project, manufacturing, assembling, commissioning, start and flow measurement stations maintenance.

ABNT NBR ISO 10012:2004
Measurement management system – Hirsa has the compliance of its measurement management system, based on the ISO 10012: 2004 Standard, certified by a qualified third party entity.
Hirsa’s measurement management system has been evaluated, including with activities carried out under active measurement management contracts and executed at customer facilities.